With every paranormal or mythological creature, there is a plausible back story that can explain the origins of the creature. So, let us take a moment or two to explore some popular creatures found in today’s culture and media.
So, if you’re a dedicated reader, like I would hope you are, you’ll remember Kyle’s post about Frank West and his return to Fortune City to meet up with Chuck Greene! Well, if you missed it, and you have no idea what I’m talking about, go read about it, then, come back so we can catch up! In the meantime, for those of you who know all about Dead Rising 2: Case West, please,...[Read More]
That’s it. I’m officially declaring this the Decade of the Zombie. Naughty Bear is joining the “Hey, let’s have a zombie mode!” craze with their new downloadable content.
This short scene will show you how effective this ray gun is against the dreaded endless waves of zombies.
They’ve done it again. Call of Duty: Black Ops has broken box office, book and video game five-day sales records with Microsoft announcing a record 2.6 Million unique players and a staggering 5.9 Million multiplayer hours logged by the end of launch day.
Would you believe that in a show about zombies the best episode so far has been one where there aren’t very many zombies?
Finally, what you’ve all been waiting to see:
In a complete no brainer decision, AMC has renewed The Walking Dead for a second season. NO BRAINER! GET IT? I MADE A FUNNY! ZOMBIES! BRAINS! HAHAHAHA!
Last week we had the world of Walking Dead introduced to us. We met the police officer who woke up to a broken world filled with the living dead. We saw a little bit of what the survivors had to go through in the suburbs. Now, as the second episode takes us on a trip through the big city, we find out if The Walking Dead is going to be a one hit wonder. Will it keep running strong or will it stop d...[Read More]
We all like the stories of mutant viruses, genectic accidents and blood thirsty undead, but what about REAL zombies?!?! Yeah, they do exist! See this face? I would not lie to you! O_O <SeriousFace<
AMC’s new TV series may just make zombies scary again.
Now available is the latest theme pack for Capcom’s smash hit, Dead Rising 2.