343 Industries are really outdoing theirselves. They are adding more and more content for free to a really great game. At this point, it isn’t an apology for Master Chief Collection, they must truly be feeling the Holiday feels. At The Game Awards, they announced the Cartographer’s Gift Update, which will be adding new maps, new REQs, new weapons, new emblems, and Forge.
Yeah. It’s back.
Claiming it is the biggest and most improved Forge mode ever, 343 is setting the precedent on how DLC should be done. I for one am super excited to see what people make, because people are crazy when it comes to creation tools. Also, the Halo World Championship 2016 will begin Sunday December 6th. The prize pool now is at $2 million dollars, plus a special Halo Championship Series REQ Pack is available, giving HCS themed weapon skins, armor and emblem. This pack must be purchased, and a portion of the proceeds will go into the HCS prize pool. For more information, visit Halo.gg.
With DLC planned throughout June 2016 for free, what are you hoping 343 will add to the game? (Please please please bring back Rocket hogs/Rocket Race)