E3 2018 Hands-On: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

E3 2018 Hands-On: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

They are all returning.

That is all I needed to hear to know that this entry in the long-running Super Smash Bros. series would be something special. That feat must not have been easy, and Sakurai and the development team should get a lot of credit for this accomplishment.

Personally, I was hoping that Final Fantasy VII’s Cloud would be returning to the fight, as that reveal for the previous Smash Bros. may have been one of my favorite moments in gaming history. Knowing that he is back, along with Snake and Ice Climbers, was such a dream come true.

However, having all these characters return to a drastically different game could have been a point of contention, but I am happy to say that the incredible Smash formula is fully intact here.

I was able to play four matches on the show floor, and about 10 more during our Nintendo appointment and playing just felt so right. At first glance, it looks and feels near identical to the Wii U version of the game, but you can tell it’s a bit faster and each character plays slightly different. Explain to our viewers how about the controls, what other things you noticed as well.

My first battle was with Cloud, and being able to see his Limit Meter next to his character icon was a nice addition. I placed 3rd in my first match, but as is the magic with Smash Bros., losing is still a lot of fun.

I was able to try out the newest character to the roster, Ridley, and he is a powerhouse. He is a big character but has a lot of mobility moves that allow him to close a distance very quickly and deal massive damage to opposing players. I also played a match as the aforementioned Snake and Ice Climbers, and it was great to see them return.

I really did miss Snake’s homing missile, and it was fun just hanging out at the edge of a map and hitting your unsuspecting opponents.

As for the maps, we were able to try some of the new and returning ones, including a level based on Breath of the Wild. The map could change mid-battle and, honestly, anything Breath of the Wild is a win for me.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the full game holds and what it does to prove that this isn’t just a port, but a new game. I’m still holding out hope for some type of Subspace Emissary mode or something of the sort, because I will never get over seeing all these characters mixed together in awesome cut-scenes, even if some are nonsensical.

December 7th, 2018 can’t come soon enough, and I can’t wait to be able to take Smash anywhere with every character from the history of the series. Though it has a familiar feeling, when a title is that much fun and proficient in its mission, it’s hard to argue with that level of greatness.

Adam has been writing about and playing video games for as long as he can remember. He is an aficionado of all things Chipotle, Disney, and Hibachi related and is the founder of Extra Life Columbus. He truly believes there is nothing better than playing games and healing kids! His favorite games include Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario World.

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