Ghostrunner Adds Support From 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks

Ghostrunner Adds Support From 3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks

We may not have flying cars and replicants here in 2019 yet, but 2020 is looking like a great year for fans of Cyberpunk-style games. The future gets a little closer now with publisher All in! Games and One More Level (God’s Trigger) have announced a partnership with 3D Realms (Ion Maiden, Duke Nukem 3D) and Slipgate Ironworks (Rise of the Triad) to distribute upcoming first-person cyberpunk adventure Ghostrunner.

3D Realms will be supporting the technical production and marketing of Ghostrunner. With their long time expertise in FPS games, it’s an excellent match. 3D Realms will also be facilitating the showcasing of Ghostrunner at their PAX South booth next January.

“We couldn’t be more excited to be working with the fantastic people at One More Level and All in! Games. When we were asked to step in, and produce Ghostrunner, we immediately jumped on board! Ghostrunner fits perfectly within 3D Realms’ legacy of great First Person Action games, and we believe we have a lot to offer,” said Scott Miller, Founder of 3D Realms.

“We are thrilled to be working together with 3D Realms,” said Piotr Żygadło, COO of All in! Games. “We believe that this cooperation will benefit everyone involved in the production and release of the game. 3D Realms is a major company and has a history of many successful, popular titles. We’re aiming to make Ghostrunner the next big hit.”

“We’ve been fans of Ghostrunner since the initial reveal, so when we were offered the opportunity to help out, and co-develop the game alongside the incredibly talented developers from One More Level, we jumped at the opportunity,” said Frederik Schreiber, CEO at Slipgate Ironworks.

Marooners’ Rock will be attending PAX South next year, and Ghostrunner will definitely be on our list of games we want to get our hands on! Stay tuned for future information.


Aaron is proof that while you can take a developer out of the game industry, it's much harder to take the game industry out of a developer. When not at his day job, Aaron enjoys teaching Axis & Allies to his kids, writing sci-fi stories, playing classic space sims on Twitch, and riding around the American Midwest on his Harley.

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