I’ve been looking forward to Sugar, Spice, and Not So Nice since it won the user competition as Candy for Keflings. Every step of the way, I’ve been tracking it and waiting ever so patiently (and impatiently) for more details and an announcement of release and pricing. Sugar, Spice, and Not So Nice will be available on October 10th for 320MSP from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Now, I know...[Read More]
We’ve all heard them: “big fish” tales about exploits that are possible, but perhaps too good to be true. “I no-scoped four guys from across the map while jumping!” Yeah, and I’m Master Chief. “I completed Ecco the Dolphin in one sitting (or at all)!” Okay, tell me more, Flipper. “I found the cake in Portal!” Must be where you found that ...[Read More]
In the leadup, I was working out my PAX Prime 2012 scheduling with absolutely one solid goal: Neverwinter. As long as I could see more Neverwinter, I would count my PAX experience complete. While I did see Neverwinter, and count it as the best thing I saw at the event, I found myself pleasantly surprised at the experience that other games were able to offer me. One that I had not thought to enjoy ...[Read More]
I have no qualms about free-to-play games. I am immediately wary of free-to-play games that are supported by micro-transactions, however. When the appointment for Loadout was pitched to me during my PAX planning period, I flat out said, “You do not want me covering a micro-transaction supported free-to-play game. I will not be kind.” I was guilted (like a boss) into taking the appointm...[Read More]
~ dipstick<enter> badtrip<enter> homerun<enter> There was nothing quite like running around a Rise of the Triad map under the mind-bending influence of Shrooms Mode while swinging Excalibat around with wild abandon. This is what I did at home almost to the exclusion of all else, and this is what I spent half of my computer classes in junior high school doing. The other half of my...[Read More]
WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Squid-Chan for winning the grand prize, and Crystal for winning the second prize! It’s been a few weeks since our last giveaway started, but we’re back! Starting off our new run of giveaways is another FUNimation anime title: Shangri-La. Set in a world where climate change has gone wild, Shangri-La paints a possible future for where our environment...[Read More]
When someone talks to me about strategy games, my go-to is Civilization. I’ve been playing the Civilization games since, well, Civilization. I will almost always choose a turn-based strategy game over a real-time strategy game, partially because of my upbringing with the aforementioned Civilization. Civilization is always a long-term investment of time, however, and isn’t always really...[Read More]
Fifteen months ago, I beheld greatness. I’m going to say this again, just in case people don’t listen and understand: Neverwinter Nights is one of my favorite games…OF. ALL. TIME. In fact, I have the Diamond Edition DVD sitting on my desk about a foot and a half away from me just in case I feel the urge to delve deep into its perfect adventure. I’m not kidding around here, ...[Read More]
A few months before my 15th birthday, my mother and I moved from Oklahoma City, where I grew up, to California. I know what you’re thinking…”Wow, California? There are so many awesome cities there with so much to do, how did you choose?” Well, we went where the family was, and that was glorious, beautiful, exciting…Fresno. Fresno, which is pretty much a smaller, more ...[Read More]
I absolutely adore beautiful games. Mechanics are important, don’t get me wrong; a game can be as beautiful as the sun rising over a forested mountain range in the distance while morning dew catches its rays, but if it plays like a piece of my neighbor’s cat feces in my front yard…well, the smell ruins the experience, if you know what I mean. When I was preparing my schedule for ...[Read More]
Stealth titles are not, nor have they ever really been, the kind of games that gripped my interest in any meaningful way. I have dabbled, and have tasted of their fruits, but I have never found myself enthralled. I dislike being forced into a particular play style by having a weakened player character, and I tend to enjoy the action and thrill of direct confrontation over the slower, more meticulo...[Read More]