In case you missed the news, Pokemon’s most recent Mythical release is currently available from participating Gamestop stores. Available until October 31st, trainers can get a card that grants you your very own Steam typed Pokemon. (Fire and Water)
With another major release in the handheld catalog coming soon, Nintendo has to catch up with some sweet swag. To do this, Nintendo has announced a black “New” 3DS with the silhouettes of Solgaleo and Lunala plastered all over it. Out of all the limited edition consoles released by Nintendo, this one seems the most lackluster. Either way let’s check out this Pokemon Sun & Moo...[Read More]
There’s a lot to be said about the latest live streamed video outlining all the new goodies coming from Nintendo. A few pleasant surprises included Mario Maker on the 3DS, as well as Pikmin. However, there was one elephant in the room that was practically defecating on Reggie Fils-Aime’s desk, the Nintendo NX. Be that as it may, there was some smiles to be had for these smaller release...[Read More]
As per the Nintendo Direct for September, Pikmin is officially leaving its home on consoles to explore new horizons on the 3DS. While there is no official title for Pikmin 3DS, the game already looks to be a delightful entry into the often experimental series. Pikmin began as a love project when Miyamoto wanted to convey his love of gardening in a game, spawning three games that had tiny explorers...[Read More]
Another week, another Pokemon Sun and Moon reveal. I am almost certain I have used that joke before, but it still holds true. For this week week, we get one more Alolan Variant that Youngster Joey would approve of, and we finally see what happens when a big immovable object finally opens his eyes. (No I am not talking about Brock when he is in his older years.)
It has only been a couple weeks since the last update about new Pokemon and new features of Pokemon Sun and Moon. So naturally we are overdue for more stuffs. Today Nintendo and Gamefreak released brand new information that includes new Pokemon, new forms, and new information on the bad guys you will face in the Alola region.
Take a seat Pokefans and rest those legs from your treks across the wilderness hunting for the wonderful creatures known as Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Earlier this week, we got a few new Pokemon announced for Pokemon Sun and Moon. While some are drawing criticism, some are smash hits. I personally like them all, but we will get to that criticism later.
This week at E3, Nintendo Treehouse Live gave fans quite a bit of information. One of those games that got a little more fleshed out is Pokemon Sun and Moon. With all of this new information, let’s jump right in.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks incredible, a breakaway from traditional Zelda design and tropes. Nintendo isn’t usually the company to take major risks as this with their biggest IPs, but here we are watching Link find items as he may in a major RPG and climb walls like Nathan Drake does on the regular in Uncharted. Couple this with the magical technology aesthetic and its no wonder people ...[Read More]
Earlier this year, Nintendo and Gamefreak teased us for the Pokemon 20th Anniversary by announcing Pokemon Sun and Moon. No information was announced, other than it was coming this Holiday season. The hype was almost too much to contain. Today, we were shown the Region, Starters, Legendaries, and the actual release date! Let’s immediately jump into the wonderful world of Pokemon Sun and Moon!
Shin Megami Tensei is a brutally difficult RPG series, probably one of the most challenging traditional RPGs of the last decade. Yet, it remains as one of the most visually interesting games out there with the signature style the franchise has always represented. Capturing modern Japanese culture and using Judeo-Christian mythology, Shin Megami Tensei is a brilliant mix of culture to create a uniq...[Read More]