Scott has a problem. Scott loves this girl, Ramona Flowers. Sounds good, right? Not really, because in order for Scott to date Ramona he has to destroy her seven evil ex-boyfriends. Why must he do this? Look, stop asking stupid questions and go help Scott!
If it seems like it’s been a year waiting for the new season of Weeds, that’s because it has. We last left the Botwin family after Shane killed Pilar, promptly followed to a cut to black. Season 6 immediately picks up here in a great set-up episode for coming events.
I had heard of Scott Pilgrim before, but had never taken the time to read the books (so kindly reviewed by Eddy). After seeing an advance screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night thanks to our friends Chris and Kelly, and new friends Loren and Lauren, I plan on rectifying that mistake shortly. I had mixed expectations for this movie going in; On the positive side you have Edgar Wright...[Read More]
Today, BioWare returns to form with another great DLC installment for Dragon Age: Origins. Last month it was announced that Golems of Amgarrak would be released, and having just played through it right now, I can honestly say it’s one of their better ones.
Comeback Kid is back. It’s about damn time.
Back in December, Avenged Sevenfold lost their drummer “The Rev.” So you have to give them credit some eight months or so later that they’re releasing a new album, “Nightmare,” the follow-up to their self-titled album, which also happens to be their best. “Nightmare” can be viewed as a tribute and final goodbye to their late drummer. However, it’s no...[Read More]
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life is about to get rocked.
As soon as Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (HD) was announced, I knew I would be purchasing it, regardless of the price. Now, some of you may point to that statement and call my objectivity in reviewing the game into question. Allow me to reassure you that I will be completely objective by asking you to keep in mind the heartache caused by the crushing of a man’s hopes and dreams. Thankful...[Read More]
Time and time again I’ve mentioned my hatred for MMORPG’s, and how I prefer console over PC. So, it might seem rather strange that here I am, reviewing one. Actually, it’s not so strange. Why? Because Heroes of Three Kingdoms takes place during one of my favorite periods of Chinese history.
I hope you will allow me to preface this review by making a few things clear (you don’t really have a choice in the matter anyway, to be perfectly honest). First, the last Sam & Max game I played was over 15 years ago in the form of Sam & Max Hit the Road, by LucasArts. Second, TellTale Games was kind enough to provide a copy of not only Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, but also copi...[Read More]
Futurama is officially back. It’s been on the schedule for the past seven weeks, but these past two episodes have returned the series to its wonderful roots.
The new season of Futurama has dealt with a lot of speed bumps, whether it was rusty character relationships, outdated culture references, or a feeling that the show jumped the shark. Personally, I was beginning to wonder if I only liked these new episodes just because it was new Futurama. Then “Lethal Inspection” aired and all my troubles were put to rest.