Black Friday is a hectic time. Tons of people run about after gorging on food, then brave the cold and darkness to find deals on hot holiday gifts. Luckily, with the advent of the digital era, there are some great digital downloads on sale by Nintendo on top of all the cool things from retailers. Let’s check out Nintendo’s Black Friday deals in a summary list they shared via press rele...[Read More]
With another major release in the handheld catalog coming soon, Nintendo has to catch up with some sweet swag. To do this, Nintendo has announced a black “New” 3DS with the silhouettes of Solgaleo and Lunala plastered all over it. Out of all the limited edition consoles released by Nintendo, this one seems the most lackluster. Either way let’s check out this Pokemon Sun & Moo...[Read More]
The Super Nintendo is arguably one of the best video game platforms of all time with a vast library of games that still hold up to this day. Some of my earliest gaming memories come from the SNES, from finding Lugia on Pokemon Silver through the Super Game Boy to learning of a secret area in Super Mario World 15 years after its release. There is still much to love on the SNES and both the Wii and ...[Read More]