We live in an era where there is an abundance of video game merchandise. It’s not unusual for toy companies like LEGO and Mega Bloks to team up with video game companies. We’ve seen Mega Bloks sets of both Halo and Pokemon. We’ve also seen LEGO sets based on Overwatch and Minecraft. Today The LEGO Group and Nintendo have unveiled the truth behind their teaser trailer posted earlier this week. Some...[Read More]
Former Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Amié, William Simon, and James Symancyk were appointed to the game retailers board of directors this afternoon via a news release from Gamestop itself. While Gamestop has had a decline in sales admittedly due to an increase in digital sales, this marks a potentially large turning point in the companies future endeavors.
Rockers, the time draws near! We are less than a week away from PAX EAST 2020. With PAX East drawing near, our schedules are starting to become full; however, a new challenger prepares for battle against the hordes of PAX East attendees. Today, Nintendo has announced that Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be at PAX EAST. At their booth, Animal Crossing fans will have the opportunity to try the fi...[Read More]
The best sci-fi stories don’t need guns, large-scale wars, and sinister villains to defeat. The best stories need a great setting, solid momentum, and relatable characters. When I first played Some Distant Memory at PAX WEST 2019, the demo brought me to an apocalyptic world based on real-life science and intrigued me with its likable characters and technological mystery. I’ve finally s...[Read More]
With the next generation of consoles just around the corner, you would think that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo would be looking to get any advantage that they could. However recent news broke revealing that Sony will be skipping E3 2020. With Sony planning to skip E3 yet again, what companies will fill the void? Will their absence damage the release of the PlayStation 5? Let’s discuss why S...[Read More]
If you’re like me you enjoy a lot of great content on the Nintendo Switch. This ranges from indie games to those hidden gems you find when looking over the eShop. If you’re looking for a list of what’s coming to the Switch this week. Here is a full set of information and details below.
Today the team at Affable Games is pleased to announce some great news to its upcoming game Speaking Simulator. What is this game you ask if you’ve been hiding under a rock? The hilarious game about an android struggling to infiltrate human society, who initiates its plan for world domination. Just the entire idea of what we can do and what will be expected is what really caught my eye. The ...[Read More]
The world is at war and it’s up to the good ol’ USA to protect democracy. Gunpowder on the Teeth Arcade from Gunpowder Team and Forever S.A has arrived for the Nintendo Switch, bringing solid action and platforming, set against a wildly distinctive visual art and animation style that evokes the militarism of the 1990s and the distinct look of Game Boy titles. With a multitude of missions, several ...[Read More]
Every year fundraising event Extra Life seeks out to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The fundraising usually consists of groups teaming up to live stream 24-hour long game sessions. The proceeds of any donations, during those streams, goes directly towards helping the children. While streaming is usually how proceeds are obtained, some groups like to auction off me...[Read More]
The moon has fallen and a poisonous substance, Femto, has swept across the Earth. Humanity survives but struggles to take back the planet. Rogue AI and machines threaten humanity’s existence. To fight this new menace, humans became more than human. From MARVELOUS! game studios and designer Shōji Kawamori comes Daemon X Machina, a Nintendo Switch exclusive and new IP for the console. Followin...[Read More]
Nintendo is notorious for announcing last minute when there will be new information presented on its products, whether it’s in the form of a full direct or a trailer. The Pokemon Company and GameFreak seem to follow the same trend.
Last month, Pokemon Go had its biggest month since the game’s original release. Over the last year, Niantic has stepped up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. Niantic has given trainers a reason to go out and socialize with their peers. Over the summer, the Pokemon Go team planned different events to get trainers to work together. Most notably, Trainers can now do Legendary raids ...[Read More]