Odin Sphere came into being during the later stages of the PS2, wowing its players with its beautiful art style and interesting gameplay, a defiant piece of 2D gaming in a sea of developers trying to make use of polygons. It has gone on to be a hidden gem to most PS2 enthusiasts, but now Atlus has brought Vanillaware back in to rework the entire game for a new generation. Not only is coming to the...[Read More]
My first impressions of Yakuza 5, never having played any of the others in the series, was that it was going to be a Japanese themed GTA. Not normally a fan of open world games I was in for a real treat. Originally published only in Japan in 2012 it’s finally made its way stateside and it brought so much more to the table than expected, and I am glad I played it.
The legendary dragon returns to the criminal underworld of Yakuza. Kazuma Kiryu, once known as the Dragon of Dojima, was living a quiet life as a taxi driver in Hakata after severing all his ties with the underworld.
I am going to start this review with an aside. I like bad games. I like finding the charm in imperfect creations. For God’s sake, I 1000G’d BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: The Doug Williams Edition, (Yes, that is a real game. Yes, that is the full title.) but man… Legend of Kay Anniversary was rough, from beginning to end. (Note: This review is based on the Xbox 360...[Read More]
Today Square Enix, Inc announced the awesome looking Collector’s Edition of the game KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.5 ReMIX. Those who purchase the Collector’s Edition will receive both the original 1.5 and new 2.5 ReMIX game discs, and can also enjoy a variety of premium items. This news direct from Square Enix is pretty sweet and being someone who doesn’t own a PS3 or PS4 yet this makes me want...[Read More]
On the heels of some exciting new game announcements (Resident Evil Revelations 2) Capcom’s packing their things and taking NYCC by storm this weekend. They’re at Booth #1604 with gameplay demos, special signings and limited edition goodies. Kicking off their event line up is Resident Evil Revelations 2 – the first time the episodic thriller has been made available to North Ameri...[Read More]
1…3…23…56…75…106. My KO count went to 106 in less than 2 minutes in my first battle in Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition. Dynasty Warriors lets the player be an unstoppable force when he or she is on the battlefield. Almost all the attacks in the game are meant for crowd control giving the player a sense of invincibility. The game’s high points definitely come from the game...[Read More]
Since being a new owner of a PS Vita I’m playing catch up on many games, but one game that caught my eye was Ragnarok Odyssey Ace that recently came out. I first got my taste of Ragnarok on PC due to the MMO, but it didn’t really pull me in as much. Why? When playing any MMO I prefer to have one that has some controller support since select games offer it than learn all the commands t...[Read More]
So, a Metroid-style sequel to a prequel that was a handheld but ported to console. Well, let’s see if Batman still has it. (Special note: Having never played the handheld version, this review is entirely based on this console version of the game)
Doing a brand new IP in gaming is often a risky business. It can sometimes be safer to stick to well-known brands, but some new IPs can take off like lightning. Is Magus the next new brand?
Watch Dogs will be released in North America on November 19th. What systems will the game be coming to? We have been informed that it will come to PC, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, WiiU, and other next generation consoles. For those who pre-order in North America will receive a poster designed by Alex Ross.
It is finally here! Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is now available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC; the game is $14.99 or equivalent. Also, if you love the music for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon check out the soundtrack on iTunes for $9.99. For those who do not know, the game was developed by Ubisoft, and you do not need Far Cry 3 to play Blood Dragon. The game brings back good memories of a past generation, while ...[Read More]