Resident Evil

Sick of Seeing Numbers

They’re everywhere. Resident Evil 5, Saw 7, and Shock Value 2. When is enough, enough? When will the entertainment industry stop recycling the same things over and over again? As customers, we deserve better.

New Screenshots & Gameplay Trailer for Vanquish

Today, Sega released more screenshots and a gameplay trailer for Vanquish, the hotly anticipated sci-fi third person shooter. Directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of Resident Evil and executive producer for Viewtiful Joe and Devil May Cry, Vanquish is shaping up to be one of 2010’s ‘must-have’ games.

Resident Evil: Revelations 3DS Trailer

So I was browsing around this gaming press site I am a member of, looking for press releases and what not, and all of a sudden I saw this little blurb about a Resident Evil trailer for Nintendo 3DS. Oh reallllllly….. Resident Evil has always been a favorite for me, but they lost me with RE:5. I just wasn’t feeling it, but I think Revelations might be something pretty awesome. The trail...[Read More]

Resident Evil: Afterlife Trailer

Well I’m a little late to the zombie party. Apparently back in April the trailer for the new Resident Evil movie was released, and I’m just now getting around to it. Oops! Resident Evil: Afterlife takes place in Los Angeles. Alice, played by Milla Jovovich, got a tip that LA was a safe haven from the infection, but when she arrives Alice quickly discovers that the entire city has been ...[Read More]

Nintendo 3DS Unveiled

Just a few hours ago, Nintendo unveiled the next addition to it’s handheld family, the 3DS. Global President for Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, presented the handheld, and gave us some really great information. The premiere of the device was a big deal. A lit up column rose from the ground, and atop of it was the 3DS. Unlike other 3D technology out there, the 3DS doesn’t require you to wear a...[Read More]

No Zombie Love….

Lately I have been wanting to shoot, bludgeon, and destroy things in a video game but we don’t really have anything like that for our Wii. Over the weekend we checked out Target and Best Buy to browse through their selections but left disappointed. We knew when we purchased the Wii that it would be mostly kiddie games but the Game Cube was promoted for being family friendly as well and I had...[Read More]

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