Tetris Effect

Flowing Lights! Out Now on Switch, Xbox, and Steam

It’s never a bad time for a good, lean spaceship shooter.  A crack team of experts in Canada is ready to light up the Summer with their newest game, Flowing Lights (FL). Flowing Lights is a new game from a radical new studio, gFaUmNe. Featuring neon-colored Tron-inspired visuals and a new take on spaceship shooting mechanics, Flowing Lights looks to light up the Summer.

Tetris Effect Cross-Platform multiplayer arrives for PS4 next month

Tetris Effect has continued to astound, amaze, and bring enlightenment to players around the world since its launch in November of 2018. The game has been universally praised for its gameplay, visual design, VR mode, and overwhelmingly positive messaging of life and humanity on the fringes of the universe. Following its release and expansion for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X in 2020, PlayStation ...[Read More]

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