In just a few hours gamers all over the country will be watching the 2010 Spike TV Video Game Awards. For those of you who don’t have cable, or are unable to watch it live by other means, we’ve got you covered.
As a person who has been following this like a hawk, I am so thrilled to finally see a proper trailer for the upcoming Showtime series, The Borgias. If you were a fan of The Tudors, the amazing show detailing the life of King Henry VIII, you will easily fall in love with this new series.
Happy Monday everybody! As many of you know, Christmas is right around the corner, as is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day in the United States. For those of you who will be braving the elements in search of some fantastic deals, World of Meh has you covered.
GSC Game World, the developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., have been creating a pilot episode for a TV show based on the in-game world.
The dynamics between Lois and Clark will never be the same, and the plot hole of a missing villain starts getting filled in earnest.
Almost a month ago I told you all that George Takei was coming to Big Bang Theory. Well, today an image was released from said episode and it looks to be pretty interesting.
Last season ended with Dr. House and Dr. Cuddy holding hands and exploring the possibilities of a relationship hours after Dr. House lost a patient he was forming a bond with. The season premier was no different! (For the stragglers who haven’t seen the full episode yet, there aren’t really any spoilers. So you can enjoy, too!)
A few days ago I posted an interview with Rachel Quirico, AKA Seltzer, who is a contestant in this seasons WCG Ultimate Gamer. What I haven’t been posting are the episode reviews, so here I am! If you’re unfamiliar with the show, let me try to summarize it for you: gamers across the United States and Canada are selected and then put into a house for weeks where they have no contact wit...[Read More]
Today, via Twitter, Conan O’Brien announced the name of his new TBS show that starts this November 8th. For awhile there has been speculation as to what it would be called since obviously “The Tonight Show” and “The Late Show” is already taken (damn you NBC…).
The good folks over at Warner Bros. Interactive have been kind enough to give us just a couple minutes of the upcoming Wii title.
If it seems like it’s been a year waiting for the new season of Weeds, that’s because it has. We last left the Botwin family after Shane killed Pilar, promptly followed to a cut to black. Season 6 immediately picks up here in a great set-up episode for coming events.
Much like the Beastie Boys, Ellen is too sweet to be sour, too nice to be mean.