Today the team at IO Interactive announced more information on the Year 2 Content for Hitman 3 that will come on January 20th and throughout the rest of 2022. While our writer Matt has sunk time into Hitman 3 as you can check out his review. On top of this announcement of content, IO Interactive snuck in some news for Xbox Gamepass users and more. We can’t wait to see what Year 3 content wil...[Read More]
Normally, our reviews are of games that are finished and ready to be released to the public. This time, however, we had the opportunity to do an early access review, which means some details of The Anacrusis may change by the time the final version of the game is released. Once the full version of the game is available, we’ll revisit this game to see what has changed.
As of late, I’ve been gaming with friends and fellow site staff here on Marooners’ Rock when I’m not working a full-time job since some of you reading know me as also being a healthcare worker. Recently I’ve had the chance to go hands-on with the upcoming The Anacrusis from the Stray Bombay Company. If you’re still in the dark about this game since its announcement at...[Read More]
The Anacrusis was announced this summer, during E3. Despite being in the mix of everything going on, I’ve been doing my best to keep an eye on details. If you’re like me, you enjoy games with a bit of Left 4 Dead vibes. The Anacrusis is one game that caught my eye due to the genre, as well as looking like it’ll be a fun game to play along with friends. To catch you up on the newl...[Read More]
While the stream just ended, there is so much information to go through. You can read the full news from Nintendo below and boy it’s lots of news. If you did miss the stream the video has been provided below. What features are you most excited about? Get ready to expand your horizons! In a new Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct video presentation today, a sweeping lineup of new additions a...[Read More]
Many of you here know I happen to take part in Extra Life over the past 8 years. For those of you that don’t know of me, but do raise money for Extra Life. Keep up the great work you’re also doing! By all means, in the comments below, share your Extra Life page, or if you’re taking part in this as well keep us informed. Today, Extra Life has announced it has teamed up with Capcom...[Read More]
When it comes to racing games, I’m always keeping an eye out for the next game to play with friends. So when Hot Wheels Unleashed was first announced, I watched the teaser trailer and became more excited. Fast forward since the announcement and we have gotten to see more trailers leading up to the game’s launch on September 30th, 2021. Even with new details coming out, the idea of crea...[Read More]
When it comes to indie games, I keep an eye out for a variety going through my social media feeds. One game that recently caught my eyes was Haven Park from developer Fabien Weibel and publisher Mooneye Studios. Once I learned about this game, I had to get in contact with Fabien to learn more about the game. As you can guess, he was more than happy to chat with me. The more time I spent watching t...[Read More]
The battle of the future takes place through a war of information. Public Relation specialists popagenda, along with developer Camouflaj have announced Republique Anniversary Edition a re-release of Republique in time for the game’s 10th Anniversary. This re-release includes a spectacular physical edition release of Republique, which was featured during Limited Run Game’s E3 Showcase.
When ELDEN RING was first announced, it was something my team was very excited to learn about during E3 2019. Since then not much information has been provided on the game other than a few teases here and there since then. Now if you’ve been hiding under a rock on ELDEN RING. Here is the full information about ELDEN RING provided by Namco.
As of late, I’ve been playing tons of party games with friends as well as streaming. Some of you already know me for my streams and raising money to help kids via Extra Life. When I first heard about Run Prop, Run! a few months back I didn’t realize friends at PlayTogether Studio were creating the game as I was seeing gif’s on my Twitter feed for the game and thought it looked fu...[Read More]
While Tetris happens to be just a few years older than when I was born. It’s always nice to revisit all the games released inspired by Tetris. Today makes any other time no different when it comes to celebrating World Tetris Day. Tetris was first released on Jue 6th, 1984 and since then has been a cult classic for all ages. In celebration of the Tetris® brand’s 37th birthday on World Tetris ...[Read More]