
Dustbiters Interview – Prepare for a Dust-topian Future

Ladies, Gentlemen, and all Rockers in between, the world as we knew it is coming to an end. In the next one hundred years, we could see the Earth on fire, global conquest, or a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Yes, these are all very dramatic examples but you never know what might happen. One day can be sunshine and picnics and the next could be foggy and overcast with radiation being emitted from a gi...[Read More]

Diablo II: Resurrected (Xbox Series X) Beta Impressions

As the resident Diablo guy around here, I was actually just going to wait until release to play Diablo II Resurrected simply because I didn’t want to ruin it for myself. I knew I’d jump in and just keep playing once I started, but thankfully, the beta only gives you access to act 1 and 2, so it was decently easy to unplug after a few hours. Diablo II is one of my favorites. This is due...[Read More]

Back 4 Blood Beta Preview – Return of Left 4 Dead

After a decade of waiting, Left 4 Dead 3 is finally coming out….in a way. Despite fans of the Left 4 Dead franchise begging for Left 4 Dead 3 from Valve; Valve was dead set on not releasing the third installment of any game. Come on Valve, where is Half-Life 3 or Portal 3? Over the years, concept images have leaked showing what might have been but the dream of a new Left 4 Dead game was but ...[Read More]

Haven Park Interview with Fabien Weibel

When it comes to indie games, I keep an eye out for a variety going through my social media feeds. One game that recently caught my eyes was Haven Park from developer Fabien Weibel and publisher Mooneye Studios. Once I learned about this game, I had to get in contact with Fabien to learn more about the game. As you can guess, he was more than happy to chat with me. The more time I spent watching t...[Read More]

The Forgotten City Interview – Marooners’ Rock Chat’s with Nick Pearce

For some time now, quite a few of us here at Marooners’ Rock have been following along with Nick Pearce the founder of Modern Storyteller, and his work on The Forgotten City. The last time I got to have a little hands-on time was at PAX East, a few years ago. That was where I met Nick and got to learn a bit about the game, and the story behind it all. Previously, Marooner’s Rock writer...[Read More]

Manifold Garden (PS5) Hands-On Preview

Last year, Independent developer William Chyr released Manifold Garden to consoles. In my Nintendo Switch review, Manifold Garden demonstrated that a heavy narrative isn’t necessary to create an engaging experience. Last week, William Chyr Studio confirmed a port would be heading to PlayStation 5 on May 20th. In my Nintendo Switch review, I criticized the game for its mostly simplistic art style a...[Read More]

Resident Evil Village Demo Impressions

Over the last month, Resident Evil fans have had the opportunity to learn more about Capcom’s upcoming Resident Evil Village. Resident Evil Village, also known as Resident Evil 8, is set to release on May 7th, 2021. Throughout  April, PlayStation gamers had the opportunity to preview the game through two demos. The Resident Evil Village: Village and Castle Demos were only available for a lim...[Read More]

Pokemon GO: Yveltal Raid Counters & Guide

At the beginning of this month, Pokemon Go trainers will have the opportunity to battle against and catch Xerneas in the 5-Star Legendary Raid. Xerneas is available to Pokemon Go players as part of the Luminous Legends X event; the Luminous Legends X event will run from May 4th to May 17th. Trainers who participate in the event can catch new Fairy and Dragon-type Pokemon and potentially catch a Sh...[Read More]

Pokemon Go Guide: Xerneas Raid

After two long months, the Forces of Nature trio are finally leaving Pokemon Go raids. Throughout March and April, Trainers had the opportunity to battle against and catch the Therian and Incarnate forme forms of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Starting at 10 Am local time, Pokemon Go trainers will have the opportunity to battle against and catch a new to PoGo Legendary Pokemon. Starting today,...[Read More]

Pokemon Go Guide: Mega Houndoom Raid

Summer is approaching quickly. This weekend marked the beginning of Spring. In preparation for the changing of seasons, Niantic has brought back the legendary Forces of Nature trio to Pokemon Go. This is the second time that the Forces of Nature have been available to raid against in Pokemon Go. In addition to the base form of the Forces of Nature trio, trainers will soon have the chance to battle...[Read More]

Pokemon Go Guide: Mega Abomasnow Raid

Spring is officially here in the northern hemisphere, however, that does not mean there is no chance of snow. While the Northern part of Earth looks forward to warmer weather, the South prepares for Winter. During Spring and Summer, people can watch as lightning dances across the sky and thunder lets out loud roars. In celebration of Spring, Niantic is giving players the chance to catch the legend...[Read More]

Pokemon Go Guide: Taking on the Thundurus Raid

Spring is less than two weeks away in the northern hemisphere; that means thunderstorms are just around the corner. This weekend we jump an hour forward which means we are one hour closer to Spring. As we move into the middle of March, Niantic has just released the third and final Forces of Nature Pokemon Thundurus. Starting today at 8 am local time, trainers started to see Thundurus appearing in ...[Read More]

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