In 2016, the launch of Pokemon Go caused a global sensation, with enthusiasts venturing outdoors to seek their digital companions. This groundbreaking game encouraged players to walk, run, and even drive in the pursuit of capturing their favorite digital creatures, bringing joy and excitement to millions. The thrill of catching new creatures and battling for control of gyms captivated players, but...[Read More]
Pokemon Go fans have had a lively Summer this year. Despite many Pokemon Go players being disappointed with Niantic due to reverted changes. Despite setting record profits, many view Niantic’s stance as a continued cash grab. The move to reduce the spin and gym radius seems absurd with the Covid Delta variation continuing to spread across the United States. This Summer, Pokemon Go featured t...[Read More]
With Summer underway in the Northern Hemisphere, Pokemon Go trainers will soon have something to barbeque. If you are not a fan of grilling on the barbeque, you can always cook it over a roasting fire. In June, Pokemon Go trainers had the opportunity to catch a Shiny Gible for June 2021’s Community Day. After a year of semi-lackluster community days, Niantic has started to announce community...[Read More]
At the beginning of this month, Pokemon Go trainers will have the opportunity to battle against and catch Xerneas in the 5-Star Legendary Raid. Xerneas is available to Pokemon Go players as part of the Luminous Legends X event; the Luminous Legends X event will run from May 4th to May 17th. Trainers who participate in the event can catch new Fairy and Dragon-type Pokemon and potentially catch a Sh...[Read More]
After two long months, the Forces of Nature trio are finally leaving Pokemon Go raids. Throughout March and April, Trainers had the opportunity to battle against and catch the Therian and Incarnate forme forms of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Starting at 10 Am local time, Pokemon Go trainers will have the opportunity to battle against and catch a new to PoGo Legendary Pokemon. Starting today,...[Read More]
Finally, the third and final Forces of Nature Therian Pokemon is available in Pokemon Go. Starting today, April 3rd, Pokemon Go trainers have the opportunity to battle against and potentially catch Therian Forme Landorus. The Therian Forme Landorus raid will be available in 5-star Legendary raids until 10 AM local time on April 27th. Today also marks the start of Pokemon Go Rival’s week, so...[Read More]
Summer is approaching quickly. This weekend marked the beginning of Spring. In preparation for the changing of seasons, Niantic has brought back the legendary Forces of Nature trio to Pokemon Go. This is the second time that the Forces of Nature have been available to raid against in Pokemon Go. In addition to the base form of the Forces of Nature trio, trainers will soon have the chance to battle...[Read More]
Spring is officially here in the northern hemisphere, however, that does not mean there is no chance of snow. While the Northern part of Earth looks forward to warmer weather, the South prepares for Winter. During Spring and Summer, people can watch as lightning dances across the sky and thunder lets out loud roars. In celebration of Spring, Niantic is giving players the chance to catch the legend...[Read More]
Spring is less than two weeks away in the northern hemisphere; that means thunderstorms are just around the corner. This weekend we jump an hour forward which means we are one hour closer to Spring. As we move into the middle of March, Niantic has just released the third and final Forces of Nature Pokemon Thundurus. Starting today at 8 am local time, trainers started to see Thundurus appearing in ...[Read More]
The Pokemon Go Charge Up! event is now live. During the event, trainers will see an increased amount of electric-type Pokemon spawning. The Charge Up event will run from March 16th, 2021 to March 22nd, 2021. Throughout the week, trainers will have the opportunity to catch the new debuting electric type Pokemon, Tynamo. In addition to Tynamo being added to Pokemon Go, Pokemon spawning in raids will...[Read More]
Last month, Pokemon Go trainers could participate in Niantic’s Pokemon Go Kanto Tour. During the event, trainers had the opportunity to catch shiny variations of some of their favorite Kanto Pokemon. Trainers also had the chance to battle against regional Pokemon such as Mr. Mime, Kangaskhan, Farfetch, and Tauros. In addition to regional Pokemon, trainers could catch Kanto legendaries such a...[Read More]
Last month, Pokemon Go had its biggest month since the game’s original release. Over the last year, Niantic has stepped up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. Niantic has given trainers a reason to go out and socialize with their peers. Over the summer, the Pokemon Go team planned different events to get trainers to work together. Most notably, Trainers can now do Legendary raids ...[Read More]